i’d like to buy a new laptop for gaming and school. i’m a full time college student however i do work for the school district in Austin Texas. I know we supposedly have discounts or deals with many tech companies. What prices will these laptops run me and what can i expect to get deducted with my AISD discount?
For games you should buy the desktop, not the “laptop” or “notebook”.
I got this computer…it’s a REALLY good deal considering it’s monitor + printer + desktop in one. Circuit city is the go-to for me. That desktop has 500G and a 3G RAM. I use it for gaming as well
you were looking for a laptop.
The only thing about laptops is that they are WAY more expensive and the more memory (and for gaming, you need A LOT) the more it will cost.
If I could choose any laptop…I would get this one…but it’s ~900 w/out tax and THAT’S CHEAP
also here’s a list of other gaming compies for you to get an idea
Gateway, gateway, Gateway!
I want you to check out the gateway products.
I have been chosen as the best answerer dozens of times for deciding what laptop to get cuz in the eyes of a technician, gateway is #1 of all time while everyone else is still trying to catch up.
One with a Dual Core Processor (Intel Extreme recommended), at least 3GB RAM, as large as hard drive as you can get, & a POWERFUL graphics chip (ATI or NVIDIA, probably NVIDIA). AMD would give you more raw power and overclocking but it could seriously overheat if your cooling system blows. Vista Home Premium or Ultimate recommended for that kind of use.
For gaming, it costs a hell of a lot for a laptop. Too get a laptop about the equivalent of a $ 1,500 desktop, it’ll cost about $ 4,000. If you just wanna play games like Counter-Strike:Source, Team Fortress 2, Half Life, UT2004, and other games that don’t require as much power from a computer, your looking at about $ 1,500-$ 2,000.
lenovo laptops.My computer screen just broke off the base of the laptop, and it’s been being slow lately. I’m going to college in the summer and have had this Dell laptop for almost 3 years. Should I just get a new one anyways?
Here are the links
APPLE: http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/findyourschool
HP: http://h40059.www4.hp.com/campaigns/hefe/
You’ll have to check with your school. My school has a deal with Dell that gets us 7% off all computers. I know that Apple gives a discount to any student ($ 100-200 depending on the computer) if you show them a student ID or other proof that you’re a student. For the last couple years, Apple has also thrown in a free iPod touch if you buy a computer with the education discount over the summer.
to http://australiansfortamiljustice.com/deal-from-the-day-samsung-series-9-ultrabook/”>lenovo laptops
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