Give me suggestions for good laptops…and about the MacBook.. Is it a good choice or prefer Dell’s XPS?
Don’t waste your money on anything from Apple. Look at HP, Toshiba and Lenovo.
I would go dells xps.
my husband just got a really awesome one for gaming that has a built in mic, bluetooth, and webcam. the graphics card was through the roof. it was awesome to just sit and watch him play WOW. and he has a duel core processor. It was about 2000 but its an awesome computer. Here it is 2 months later and its already withstood at least a month in iraq with all the fine sand and its still running like he just bought it.
I would go without vista though. I mean..its ok..but its not anything like XP.
I wouldnt mess with MAC. They suck.
dells are better than mac books. people dont know that mac books and pc computers are the same, just that mac books use mac os and pc use windows. macs charge about $ 700 to $ 1000 more cause of popularity and rumors.
I am computer tech, i own a HP, Compaq, Toshiba, Lenova. and a Macbook, take a guess which one i love the most. Macbook, it has both Mac (Leopard) and XP installed on it.
Go with mac and get an apple care and you can;t go wrong.
Dell is absolute worst you can buy, they are cheap and unreliable. Lenovo is not the same quality as it was when it was IBM, there is a reason IBM sold their loss making division(s).
Trust me , go with mac, you can use both mac and windows, nobody else lets you do it, not just that, you can even install Linux, if you want to play with it.
I hate to disagree with the PC folks, but Macs Rock! The Apple OS is very stable, they do not get viruses and will last longer than a PC. Just be sure to purchase the max you can afford and get the Apple Care protection plan. It’s worth it, especially in a laptop. You might want to check into the Mac User group in your area. They are a good resource for information. Some of the members actually have both computers. The newest Macs will also run Windows but the Windows machines will not run Apple applications.
With your budget, the macbook is out of the question.
1. far too expensive. enough said.
Any windows laptop will be noticeably cheaper than a macbook.
It doesn’t matter what brand you buy- what is important is the hardware specs.
Look for 2 Gb of ram, Windows Vista home premium, a dual-core processor, 160+ GB hard drive, screen size and weight is your decision.
toshiba tablet 2011 get where can i get the best deal on an hp laptop?
prices, service, and quiality
Figure out what you need first. If your doing graphics work then you need the largest hard drive, at least 80GB, as much memory as you can get, minimum 512MB, and processor of at least 1.8 GHz………If your mainly doing MS Office like Word, Excel, etc then 30GB hard drive is sufficient. Go to the HP website and look at their prices. If you dont want a brand new laptop then try e-bay and check the prices and look at the seller’s ratings and find out if there is a warranty and service available.
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